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Congress considers Ocean-Based Climate Solutions bill

Friends, if we learned anything in 2020, it's that we must hold our elected leaders accountable (say it louder for the people in the back!). That means staying informed of what's happening in local, state, and federal bodies, and keeping in touch with your elected officials. Let's start 2021 on the right foot with an exercise in political advocacy, shall we?

Amidst the tumult that was autumn of 2020, a bill was introduced to Congress that seeks to protect a lynchpin of our planet's environmental health: the ocean. The Ocean-Based Climate Solutions bill (H.R. 8632), sponsored by House Natural Resources Committee chair Raul Grijalva, encompasses a spectrum of initiatives that would protect vital marine areas and promote sustainable resource use. The Surfrider Foundation has put together a great fact sheet on these initiatives (see link at bottom of this page); some of the highlights include:

  • Recognition of the vital role of blue carbon in Earth's ecosystem, and protection of vital habitats that contribute to it (like mangrove forests and salt marshes)

  • Support for the U.S. transition to renewable energy (more here), by prohibiting drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf, setting goals for renewable energy production and incentivizing fuel efficiency for U.S. fishing vessels.

  • Funding for coastal restoration efforts and preparation for impacts of climate-related sea level rise

  • Protection of at least 30% of our oceans as Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) by 2030

  • Increased support of research, monitoring, and observation projects

  • Promotion of U.S. leadership in international efforts of conservation and research

The Ocean-Based Climate Solutions bill is currently under consideration by Congress; but in order for it to pass, your elected representatives need to know that its passage is important to you! Use the links below to learn more about the bill; then reach out to your representatives in the House and Senate to bring this bill to their attention.

Here are some helpful tips in writing to your representative:

  • Start the letter by stating who you are and referencing the bill you're writing about (and include its bill number, H.R. 8632)

  • Include three simple points about why you think it's important to support this bill

  • Tell them why this bill matters to you and your community (remember, they have been elected to represent you!)

A tip from the ACLU: "You are the Expert: Remember that your legislator's job is to represent you. You should be courteous and to the point, but don't be afraid to take a firm position. Remember that often your elected official may know no more about a given issue than you do."

Learn More:

Read the full text of the Ocean-Based Climate Solutions bill here

Track the progress of this bill through Congress

Read more about why this bill is supported by the NPCA (here) and the NRDC (here)

Check out the fact sheet below, created by the Surfrider Foundation

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