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Welcome to

Post Industry

Post Industry is here to help you make sense of sustainability: from individual actions to industry trends to international policy. My goal is to provide quality information and actionable steps that will help you navigate yourself and your community towards a more sustainable future.

When I started Post Industry in 2019, I wanted to write about simple lifestyle changes that could help people consume and live in a more environmentally-friendly way. Rather than inundate readers with all the complexities of global climate change, my intention was to gradually introduce readers to environmental concepts, in the hopes that these smaller individual adjustments would lay the foundation for deeper environmental activism. 


But then, 2020 hit. We began the year with cataclysmic wildfires in Australia, and the downhill slide continued from there: a global pandemic, an economic lockdown, social unrest and renewed calls for racial equality, the third-worst fire season in California's history, a presidential impeachment trial, US election season, Brexit, millions of deaths.


As the year dragged on in all its excrutiating wonder, I began to rethink my approach here on Post Industry. The catastrophes that unfolded were not just the result of one person's action. They were the culmination of huge systemic patterns, created by policies and laws and years of poor operating practices. If we really want to create a more sustainable future, we can't focus just on individual choices. Now more than ever, it is crucial that we understand these issues and act in accordance with science and reality.


There is no disagreement: climate change poses an imminent existential threat to human life on earth. If we are to avert this threat, we must engage with climate change in all its intricacies. And while I can't minimize the complexity, I can help you navigate it. On Post Industry, I'll bring you information that is: 


1) Level-headed: yes, this stuff is serious. A lot of people are freaking out. But ranting, calling names, and pointing fingers is all behavior that detracts from education and action. 


2) Simply stated: I can't promise simple concepts, but I can promise simply-stated concepts. 


3) Actionable: knowledge is useless if it doesn't compel you to do better. I want to make the transition from knowing-to-doing as painless as possible for you. 


If you read nothing else about the environment all week, I want your visit to Post Industry to provide you with the tools and inspiration you need to go out and engage with climate change. I hope to give you the sparks that will fire your curiosity, inspire a change in your habits, motivate engagement with your community, and ultimately help you become a catalyst for broader change in the world. This work can't wait. 



I'm Addy - a climber, surfer, registered yoga teacher, and the writer/editor/creative-in-chief of Post Industry.


I earned my MBA from the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business, and now work at Conservation International and the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative. Learn more about me here


All opinions expressed on Post Industry are my own, and are not representative of  Conservation International or UNEPFI. 

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